Wanderers in the Fourth Dimension
The Eight Doctors


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I am he and he is me. And we are all together, GOO GOO GOO JOOB. Here is the Doctor in his many incarnations.


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William Hartnell- "The First Doctor" (1963-1966)

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Jon Pertwee- "The Third Doctor" 1969-1974

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Peter Davison- "The Fifth Doctor" 1981-1984

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Sylvester McCoy- "The Seventh Doctor" 1986-1989 (reprised role in 1996)

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Patrick Troughton- "The Second Doctor" 1966-1969

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Tom Baker- "The Fourth Doctor" 1974-1981

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Colin Baker- "The Sixth Doctor" 1984-1986

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Paul McGann- "The Eighth Doctor" 1996-Present

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The various novels of original adventures produced published first by Virgin and later by BBC Books and the audio's are a lot of fun and I really enjoy them a lot. But for me, Doctor Who will always remain the original television series. It's been five years and counting now since Doctor Who has appeared on our television and I really hope that the 1996 television movie on Fox won't be the last time we see the good Doctor on our television screens.

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